
At Irby Primary School we believe personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is a vital and important part of our children’s education and their personal development. The staff work  work collaborately and as role models to help our children develop into confident, happy, successful and resilient young people. Throughout we aim to equip our children with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills to make safe and informed decisions. We want our children to acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the world around them in order to help them develop as young citizen. In an ever changing world ,it is important that the children are aware ,to an appropriate level, of different elements that will affect their world and the people in it. They need to learn how to deal with theses that they have good physical and mental health .PSHE plays an important role in promoting Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) Education, incorporating British Values, which is implicit in the school ethos and is planned into all aspects of the curriculum.


PSHE objectives are taught using the Coram Life Education SCARF Programme of Study but it is also covered across the curriculum especially in our RE, Science and PE curriculum. It is taught in discreet lessons, during circle time in assemblies and collective worship. We provide our children with opportunities to learn about rights and responsibilities and promote random acts of kindness, which we include in our celebration assemblies. Many opportunities arise during the school week for our children to work effectively in groups, take on roles of responsibility and to come together as a whole school community to celebrate and reflect on our journey together. The SCARF programme is split into three core themes of:

  •  Health and Well being

  • Relationships

  • Living in the wider world

    The units of work are set out half termly and link closely with safeguarding, the school ethos, British values, rights and responsibilities, and growth mind-sets so that the children have depth and breath within this area of the curriculum

From September 2020 Relationship Education will be a compulsory subject in all primary schools. At Irby we already have the building blocks in place, as promoting respectful relationships, focusing on families and friendships is already an integral part of our curriculum, as is understanding how to be healthy.


Our curriculum ensures that all our children become engaged, active and responsible citizens who recognise and value their contribution to society. They gain a perspective of themselves as both local and global citizens. Our school values and PSHE programme are vital in promoting happiness and well-being so that our children can excel in all aspects of school life and indeed life in general.. Through our curriculum we believe we are preparing our children for the next stage in their education as well as preparing them them ultimately for the adult world.


Red Class SCARF Overview 2023/2024

Year 1- Year 6 SCARF Overview 2022/2023

NO OUTSIDERS: Everyone Different, Everyone Welcome

Preparing Children for Life in Modern Britain

As part of our commitment to nurturing mutual respect, we learn about our differences and recognise our individuality and uniqueness. All of school life is interwoven with aspects of the fundamental British Values and we teach children specifically about the Equality Act 2010 and the nine protected characteristics within it.

Through PSHE education lessons, children explore focused lessons from A Moffat’s No Outsider’s book. The lessons use children’s picture books to encourage children to explore and develop an understanding of age appropriate knowledge regarding our differences. This includes the protected characteristics to ensure children develop understanding of our differences and nurture mutual respect. We use one book per half term each year.

The slide show below has images of the books used for each year group and have a link to a video retelling the story. Please take some time to share the appropriate stories with your child.